Stability and Control of Conventional and Unconventional Aerospace Vehicle Configurations

eBook - A Generic Approach from Subsonic to Hypersonic Speeds, Springer Aerospace Technology

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9783030168568
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 0 S., 10.25 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2019
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book introduces a stability and control methodology namedAeroMech, capable of sizing the primary control effectors of fixed wing subsonic to hypersonic designs of conventional and unconventional configuration layout. Control power demands are harmonized with static-, dynamic-, and maneuver stability requirements, while taking the six-degree-of-freedom trim state into account. The stability and control analysis solves the static- and dynamic equations of motion combined with non-linear vortex lattice aerodynamics for analysis. 

The true complexity of addressing subsonic to hypersonic vehicle stability and control during the conceptual design phase is hidden in the objective to develop a generic (vehicle configuration independent) methodology concept. The inclusion of geometrically asymmetric aircraft layouts, in addition to the reasonably well-known symmetric aircraft types, contributes significantly to the overall technical complexity and level of abstraction. The first three chapters describe the preparatory work invested along with the research strategy devised, thereby placing strong emphasis on systematic and thorough knowledge utilization. The engineering-scientific method itself is derived throughout the second half of the book. 

This book offers a unique aerospace vehicle configuration independent (generic) methodology and mathematical algorithm. The approach satisfies the initial technical quest: How to develop a configuration stability& control methodology module for an advanced multi-disciplinary aerospace vehicle design synthesis environment that permits consistent aerospace vehicle design evaluations?


Dr. Bernd Chudoba is Associate Professor and Director of the Aerospace Vehicle Design (AVD) Laboratory at The University of Texas Arlington, and he is President of AVD Services LLC. The AVD setting is dedicated to advance the aerospace systems conceptual/preliminary synthesis capability that challenges the status quo for aerospace vehicle design, strategic and technical forecasting. Consistency, predictability, correctness and transparency are fundamental attributes to the AVD operation, overall aimed at reducing the volatility in early aerospace decision-making. 

Dr. Chudoba has 30 years of research& development experience in configuration aerodynamics, high-speed configuration propulsion, configuration stability& control and overall flight vehicle synthesis of subsonic to hypersonic and reusable space launch vehicle design. His experience relates to research with the European advanced design departments of Airbus Industrie, British Aerospace, EADS, Aérospatiale, ESA,Fairchild Dornier, and in the USA with NASA, DARPA, AFRL, NIA, Airbus Helicopters and others. He has earned his Dipl.-Ing. Degree in aerospace at the University of Applied Sciences FH, Aachen, Germany, his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in aircraft design at the College of Aeronautics, Cranfield University, England. 

Together with Paul Czysz and Claudio Bruno, he wrote the book Future Spacecraft Propulsion Systems and Integration: Enabling Technologies for Space Exploration (Springer Praxis Books, 3rd Edition 2017).


Introduction and Objectives.- Generic Aircraft Design Knowledge Utilization.- Assessment of the Aircraft Conceptual Design Process.- Generic Characterisation of Aircraft Parameter Reduction Process.- AeroMech  Conception of a Generic Stability and Control Methodology.-AeroMech Feasibility.- Conclusions.- Appendices.

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