Control of Traffic Systems in Buildings

eBook - Advances in Industrial Control

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781846284496
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 280 S., 13.29 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2006
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Control of Traffic Systems in Buildings, focusing on elevator groups, presents the state of the art in their analysis and control. It covers the theory and design of passenger and cargo traffic systems with actual operational examples and topics of current interest such as: noisy, on-line and algorithmic optimization; identification and tracking of loads; integration of control with security and management; medium- and wide-area networked control; deployment and testing of transport systems.

Workers in elevator control have pioneered the development of many modern control systems for use in all sorts of traffic and scheduled systems so this exposition of recent work in in-building transport control will be of interest to researchers and engineers in many areas of control, particularly in optimal or supervisory control, urban transportation systems and intelligent transport systems.


Sandor Markon has 25 years experience as a designer, researcher and manager dealing with control systems with major elevator manufacturers. He is also active in publishing papers and abstracts in related fields. He has been involved in the installation of four generations of elevator systems in buildings world-wide. The current volume would gathers that knowledge together with that of other researchers currently scattered in short articles, patent disclosures, etc., into one place.


Transportation Systems.- Passenger Transportation Systems.- Cargo Transportation Systems.- External Connections and Related Systems.- Modeling and Simulation.- General Modeling Concepts.- Queuing Models.- Modeling Techniques for Discrete Event Systems.- Scheduling Models with Transportation.- Intelligent Control Methods for Transportation Systems.- Analytical and Heuristic Control of Transportation Systems.- Adaptive Control by Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning.- Genetic Algorithms for Control-system Optimization.- Control System Optimization by Evolution Strategies and Particle Swarm Optimization.- Intelligent Control by Combinatorial Optimization.- Topics in Modern Control for Transportation Systems.- The S-ring: a Transportation System Model for Benchmarking.- Elevator Group Control by Neural Networks and Stochastic Approximation.- Optimal Control by Evolution Strategies and Particle Swarm Optimization.- On Adaptive Cooperation of AGVs and Elevators in Buildings.- Optimal Control of Multicar Elevator Systems by Genetic Algorithms.- Analysis and Optimization for Automated Vehicle Routing.- Tabu-based Optimization for Input/Output Scheduling.

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